class based inheritance


Class.js is a JavaScript library for building class based object-oriented applications using JavaScript's prototypal inheritance. It strives to mimic classical class inheritance provided by other languages such as Python, Java or PHP. Its syntax is heavily inspired by MooTools's class implementation.

class.js v1.0.0 Docs Tests Download GitHub


These plugins are aimed for professionals with extensive JavaScript knowledge. Each plugin follows a simplistic and a modular approach. All plugins have demos, tests and documentation regarding their options, methods and callbacks.

Stable Plugins

Cl.Accordion v1.1.7 Demo Docs Tests Download GitHub
Cl.Autocomplete v1.1.0 Demo Docs Tests Download GitHub
Cl.Carousel v1.3.3 Demo Docs Tests Download GitHub
Cl.Debug v1.2.3 Demo Docs Tests Download GitHub
Cl.Gallery v2.0.5 Demo Docs Tests Download GitHub
Cl.Lightbox v1.2.2 Demo Docs Tests Download GitHub
Cl.Mobilemenu v1.1.6 Demo Docs Tests Download GitHub
Cl.Uniform v1.1.0 Demo Docs Tests Download GitHub

Experimental Plugins

Cl.Parallax v1.0.beta1 Download GitHub
Cl.Scroll v1.0.beta3 Download GitHub

The plugins are compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari and IE7+. We also support iOS, Android and Windows Phone to insure correct responsive behaviour with full accessible support according to the WCAG 2.0 standards. Each plugin requires at least class.js 1.0+ and jQuery 1.7+.


Use the GitHub issue tracker to submit bug fixes or feature proposals.
A detailed guide is available within the classjs documentation.


How do I compile the css?
To compile the css, navigate to the examples/cl.{plugin} folder and run:
compass watch.

How do I compile the documentation?
To compile the documentation, navigate to the docs folder and run:
make html.

How do I puplish the changes to the branch gh-pages?
To auto-commit, excecute the following two lines within the repository:
git config --add remote.origin.push +refs/heads/master:refs/heads/gh-pages
git config --add remote.origin.push +refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master

How to run the example?
To run the project, install jekyll and run the command jekyll serve --watch inside the project folder. The server runs on localhost:4000 per default.

How to run automated tests?
To run the tests, install nodejs/npm and run:
npm install
within the project.